Monday, May 25, 2009


The baby seals and My boy Dylan are so similar in looks. Chubby and happy. Both Moms are taking great care of them and on our Sea Cave Nature tour you can see how connected we all are. it is amazing to weave in and out of the channels and see the seals going about their lives like they have for millions of years. Please do not be shy, or scared. Remember, all ages and no experience necessary are able to go through the sea caves here and paddle our guided adventures at Little River, 2 miles south of Mendocino. Hope to share it with you soon...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

better and better

it just is hard to believe how good we have it at Kayak Mendocino. And best yet, is we get to take you through it and skimming across the surface. So many happy customers through the channels and caves at Little River this weekend.Lots of "wows" and smiling faces. Thanks to all our great customers. Summer is approaching and we are looking forward to seeing more of you here. You will not be disappointed. Give a call to make a reservation. Our son Dylan is now about 20 lbs, but still not gone out yet. I had better wait a little longer.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Life as it Should Be/kayaking in Mendocino

On this tour you will slow down and see how nature takes the pace of a normal crawl. Just the basics are necessary here, moms feeding young, eating and staying warm. The wildlife will take us back in time to an ancestral state. Check out our site and go to directions. here you can look at Google satellite and see the amazing formation of Little River headlands and the natural paths they take to allow us to kayak through the caves and channels. The offshore reefs provide blockage from any swell and knock down the wind as well. This kayak tour really is for anyone and all ages.Hope to share this experience with you soon.